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Leading Agtech company, Nutrition Technologies, launched Diptia biofertiliser from insect frass. (Image source: Nutrition Technologies)

Nutrition Technologies launched their new bioactive organic fertiliser, Diptia, specifically designed and formulated to combat fungal plant diseases, and protect soil from infection

The loan will be used to finance advances to cotton and wheat farmers. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Foreign Enterprise Indorama Agro LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Indorama Corporation (IRC), signed a US$15mn loan to support the livelihoods of farmers in Uzbekistan, enhance their climate resilience, and support ongoing recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic

Representatives of PhilSA SIIB and DA BAFE during their April 2023 coordination meeting. (Image source: Philippines space agency)

Scientists from the Philippine Space Agency (PhilSA); Space Information Infrastructure Bureau (SIIB); the Department of Agriculture (DA); and Bureau of Agricultural and Fisheries Engineering (BAFE), are preparing to conduct a joint research to map and monitor crops and farm to market roads in the country using satellites

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