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ISEA President Marie Lisa Dacanay talks about the context of social enterprises in the Philippines and its relevance to agricultural value chain development during the virtual learning sessions for DA officials. (Image source: DA)

To accelerate the growth of Philippine agriculture, the Department of Agriculture (DA) has partnered with the Institute for Social Entrepreneurship in Asia (ISEA) to promote social entrepreneurship among farmers, youth, and other stakeholders

SaaS in the stream of agriculture can make daily agronomic processes sustainable, supply chains efficient, and bring transparency and traceability into food chains. (Image source: FarmERP)

Revolution requires meeting the problems of the past and present using the resources which are of the future

Climate FieldView, the flagship product of the Climate Corporation and CLAAS TELEMATICS can now be connected through the CLAAS API. (Image source: Adobe stock)

To simplify farming operations, CLAAS TELEMATICS portal has to be connected through the CLAAS API offering access to new data science capabilities and ensuring seamless transfer of harvest information and insights from CLAAS TELEMATICS to FieldView

RubensCheck rolls out on pineapple plantations across ASEAN. (Image source: Rubens Technologies)

Tropical and citrus fruits have been in great demand across the ASEAN region during the pandemic, intensifying the requirements for exports, supply chain resilience and fresh fruit security

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