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Golden Agri-Resources has collaborated with several partners, including Wageningen University, The Netherlands, to implement the Alternative Livelihood Programme through Integrated Ecological Farming. (Image source: Golden Agri-Resources)

The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to be felt, particularly in poorer rural areas of Indonesia where food security and income are at risk from the pandemic

This cooperation plays a leading role in the fight against climate change. (Image source: Aleph Farms)

Aleph Farms and Mitsubishi Corporation’s Food Industry Group have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to bring cultivated meat to the Japanese table

TurtleTree Scientific is commercialising the Growth Factors developed by TurtleTree Labs. (Image source: TurtleTree Labs)

TurtleTree Labs, a specialist in cell-based milk, has launched TurtleTree Scientific, dedicated to the growth of food-grade growth factors

This new agreement will play an important role in boosting crop output and contributing to stable food supplies in the country. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

Ma’aden, one of the fastest-growing global mining companies and multi-commodity mining and metals company in the Middle East, has signed an agreement to supply phosphate fertiliser to the Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation (BADC) for the year 2021

Cambodia is focussing on reviving its agricultural sector for the sustainable development of the entire agricultural value chain. (Image source: MillerGruppe/Pixabay)

Around the world, the COVID-19 pandemic has reset fundamental assumptions underpinning various industries. In Cambodia, environmental conservation is now an important feature in recovery efforts for the agriculture sector, and Neak Oknha Chen Zhi and Prince Group are spearheading change in the sector

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