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Meat and vegetable oils lead FAO Food Price Index upwards. (Image source: HNBS/Pixabay)

World food prices rose significantly in November, reaching their highest point in more than two years, driven by jumps in the international prices of meat products and vegetable oils

Precision farming solutions help farmers make informed decisions about their crops. (Image source: Septentrio)

With the global population estimated to reach eight billion people by 2025, feeding the population while conserving the forest and wildlife reserves remains a growing challenge

Eylam Ran is the CEO and founder of Edete Precision Agriculture Technologies. (Image source: Edete)

Israeli agritech startup Edete Precision Technologies for Agriculture has completed field trials in almond orchards in Israel using its mechanical pollen harvesting and pollination system

The director-general invited the private sector to work with FAO on supporting innovations and technologies. (Image source: World Trade Organization/Flickr)

FAO director-general, Qu Dongyu, has welcomed a US$15mn donation to FAO from the Ningxia Yanbao Charity Foundation

Te acquisition further opens-up potential raw milk and other ingredient sourcing opportunities. (Image source: Thomas B./Pixabay)

China Mengniu Dairy Company has announced that it will buy Lion-Dairy & Drinks, an Australia-based branded dairy and beverage company, from Japan’s Kirin Holdings for US$407mn

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