

This series of webinars provides agronomic updating on specific technical topics, as well as on the latest innovations of the Group. (Image source: Arrigoni)

The Arrigoni Group has launched a series of free and open-to-all webinars to attend remotely that aims to continue supporting and assisting Italian and international agricultural producers, even in this moment of restricted mobility

The focus is on strengthening sustainable agriculture development in China, southeast Asia and Africa. (Image source: 41330/Pixabay)

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences (JAAS) have signed a partnership agreement to support smallholder farmers through technological innovation

The aim is to design and develop weed management strategies that are effective and sustainable. (Image source: photoAC/Pixabay)

A team of scientists from Rothamsted Research have successfully adapted genetic techniques developed for crop improvement to be used in weeds – allowing them, for the first time, to directly study the genetics responsible for herbicide resistance

Now is the time to protect the flow of food around the world, according to FAO chief economist. (Image source: PublicDomainPictures/Pixabay)

As the governments are taking measures such as banning grain exports and suspending flour sales abroad to ensure their own food security in COVID-19 escalations, this could trigger a food crisis in the world, according to the UN

These diseases challenge temperate-grown wheat and rice, respectively and so jeopardise the security of our two most important calorie crops. (Image source: Hans/Pixabay)

As pathogenic fungi pose a huge and growing threat to global food security, Exeter researchers have discovered a novel chemistry to protect crops from fungal disease

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