
AdobeStock 175466970Climate protection, a sustainable lifestyle, the transformation of global food systems – the specialist programme of supporting congress events at International Green Week, will debate the most important issues currently concerning the food, farming and horticultural industries

AdobeStock 355016812As millions turn their attention to health and diets this New Year, and Veganuary expects its biggest ever global participation, 2023 could be the year that developments in alternative proteins brings major changes to the average diet

633485 v3New Holland Agriculture, a brand of global capital goods company CNH Industrial, has reached beyond its core farming audience to show the wider world what they are doing in terms of innovation and technology

Linkedin postTaking place on a biennial basis, the inaugural edition will open its doors from 8-10 March 2023 at Challenger 1 IMPACT, Bangkok, Thailand, in co-location with VIV Asia

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