

Experts of agricultural ministries from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Thailand participated in the virtual meeting. (Image source: Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, India)

India hosted the eighth meeting of agriculture experts of the Bay of Bengal initiative for multi-sectoral technical and economic cooperation (BIMSTEC) countries virtually on 31 August 2021

VIV Asia will continue to focus on livestock, animal proteins, feed-to-food industry with global and regional players and industry professionals. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

VNU Asia Pacific and VNU Europe has announced that VIV Asia will take place from 8-10 March 2023, instead of January 2022, in co-location with the first edition of Meat Pro Asia

Following the current situation of pandemic and further consideration on the impact of COVID-19, PT Napindo Media Ashatama as the organiser has cancelled INDO LIVESTOCK,  INDO FEED, INDO DAIRY, INDO AGRITECH, INDO VET & INDO FISHERIES 2022 EXPO & FORUM which was scheduled from 2-7 August 2021

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