The digital event offers a full technical programme with more than 70 events. (Image source: Ryan McGuire/Pixabay)
The DLG Innovation Commission, an independent expert jury appointed by the DLG (German Agricultural Society), has announced the 80 nominees in the EuroTier and EnergyDecentral 2021 Innovation contest
These innovations, which include one gold and seven silver awards, are all world premieres.
Programme highlights on 11 February
The digital event offers a full technical programme with more than 70 events, some only on German, on 11 February, the third day of “EuroTier /EnergyDecentral digital”.
Venue: Spotlight DLG International (German / Russian)
8.30 - 9.30
Kazakhstan Animal Production in the food chain
The great leap: Kazakh milk production in transition
Venue. DLG-Studio:
13.00 - 15.00
DLG Winter Conference 2021 (German) forums:
Impulse forum 1: “Safeguard and develop biodiversity in arable farming: Concepts for practice
Cattle Spotlight: Impulse forum 2: “Climate-neutral dairy farming? – Focus on emission reduction
Pig spotlight: Impulse forum 3: “Pig farming in Germany - an economic future model?
Spotlight direct farm sales: Impulse forum 4: “Building bridges in rural areas”
Energy spotlight: Impulse forum 5: “Future strategy, raw material wood
Venue: DLG-Studio (German / English)
16.00 - 17.30
“Cattle & Pig Event: Beef, Pork, Star Trek: Will the meat of the future come from the laboratory?”
Venue. DLG-Studio (German / English)
19.00 - 20.30
International Poultry Event II: The impact of the pandemic on international poultry markets
In addition to the above events, there are numerous other events in the digital spotlights, including from exhibitors such as DeLaval, Tonisity and the respeggt group, Cattle, Pig, Poultry, Energy, Emission Control, Direct Farm Sales, International as well as other live events from the DLG studio in Frankfurt, Germany.
DLG, under the leadership of some 25 professionals working with more than 500 organisations and people with experience in many different livestock spheres, has put together a programme of more than 300 events and talks on topics relevant to livestock professionals.