

(From left) Harm Langen, Somnuk Hophaisarn, Bas Kanters, Nadine Lauvoravitaya, Veerasak Wuthiwaropas and Bart Aangenendt. (Image source: Centaco)

Thailand’s agribusiness enterprise Centaco Group has announced plans to fully expand its integrated operation in the country with a new hatchery from Pas Reform

The product will be tailored for poultry, while Novozymes and Adisseo will explore future opportunities to expand into probiotics for both poultry and swine. (Image source: Pixabay)

Adisseo and Novozymes have entered into a partnership to develop and market probiotics for poultry

Researchers in the USA have developed a vaccine H5N1 and H7N9 strains of avian influenza — rampant in Southeast Asia — using the Newcastle disease virus strain

The training created a platform for delegates to form constructive measures for improving hatchery performance in their own, specific environments. (Image source: Pas Reform)

In collaboration with FoodTechIndonesia (FTI), Pas Reform Academy recently hosted first series of breeder and hatchery management training initiatives for Indonesian poultry professionals as part of a public-private partnership to support improvement and growth in the country’s poultry sector

Cargill will build a new poultry processing facility in Indonesia. (Image source: PublicDomainPictures/Pixabay)

Seeking to enter the Indonesian poultry sector, Cargill has announced that it will also be investing in mills for growing palm oil business as part of its US$1bn plans into Southeast Asian nation

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