

The methane-powered Concept Tractor. (Image source: New Holland)

New Holland has received the Good Design® Award for the methane-powered Concept Tractor from the Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design and The European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies

The visitors can discover Tokais signature products through this application. (Image source: CAFNR/Flickr)

The Tokai Regional Agricultural Administration Office, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in Japan, has launched All Tokai Fresh Foods and Local Specialties Navigation Service application

Production plants for fermentation-generated cystine at WACKER’s site. (Image source: WACKER)

WACKER has collaborated with Dynaplak, Dutch manufacturer of bio-based raw materials for agricultural and industrial applications, to develop hybrid binders based on starch and polymers

By using a product adapted to local taste and local preferences we can make a real impact on malnutrition in Cambodia. (Image source: joan vila/Flickr)

A new fish-based wafer snack – Nutrix has been developed to treat severe acute malnutrition in children by UNICEF, the French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD), Copenhagen University (CU) and Danish Care Foods (DCF), in collaboration with the government of Cambodia

Pune production facility. (Image source: Alltech)

Alltech, a leading global animal nutrition solution provider, has opened a manufacturing plant in Pune, India, with a production capacity of 25,000 tonnes per year

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