

The fund aims to help rural SMEs to grow their business and income. (Image source: Heri Santoso/Pixabay)

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) has announced an investment of US$9mn into the Agri-Business Capital (ABC) Fund, a blended capital impact fund to help small-scale farmers and micro- small and medium size rural enterprises in developing countries create jobs and increase incomes

Vertical farming is a process where crops are grown indoors under carefully controlled environmental conditions. (Image source: BrightAgrotech/Pixabay)

Vertical farming is set to overcome the traditional complex and opaque supply chain of fresh produce, improving the quality of yields

Data from any sort of crop, from any part of the UK will be useful. (Image source: Martin Ludlam/Pixabay)

Rothamsted scientists are assessing whether flower-rich margins, hedgerows or tree lines are helping improve yield and asking farmers to help by sending them GPS data collected at harvest

Sustainable food systems pioneer commits to net-zero emissions across its supply chain. (Image source: Aleph Farms)

Aleph Farms Ltd has announced a sustainability strategy to eliminate emissions associated with its meat production by 2025 and reach the same net-zero emissions across its entire supply chain by 2030

Sesame is considered the oldest and one of the most resilient oilseeds known to humankind. (Image source: Equinom)

Seed breeding specialist Equinom Ltds modern cultivation methods are set to change the paradigm on production and trading of sesame, ensuring profitability and increased market stability for the ancient crop

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