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According to the World Bank, paddy accounts for 30 per cent of total planted area in Myanmar. (Image source: Prazert Promvong/

Myanmar’s Ministry of Commerce has announced that it would reconsider resuming rice export in November this year, after the country has imposed a temporary ban following the inundation of farmlands

The transgenic SUSIBA2 rice produces grains with a high starch content by diverting more carbon (from photosynthesis) into grains and stems, and less into roots. (Image source: CIAT/Flickr)

Scientists in China have discovered a new variety of rice that will help tackle global warming and climate change, according to reports

Thailands sugarcane crop grew by the sudden spate of rains, countering the dryness caused by the El Nino. (Image source: Pixabay)

Thailand’s sugar production could reach record levels in the upcoming harvest season after the recent spate of rainfall offset the effect of a strengthening El Nino

The demand for USAs dairy products will be high from Southeast Asia and China. (Image source: Pixabay)

Southeast Asian nations and China are touted to be big markets for dairy products from the USA, stated a dairy analyst from Rabobank

Vietnam was a large market for Indian groundnuts, stated the APEDA. (Image source: abcdz2000/

India’s groundnut exports have increased by 39 per cent during the year 2014-15, with maximum exports to Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand

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