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The Australian dairy sector could receive several benefits if the FTA gets ratified. (Image source: StephenONeill/

The Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between China and Australia that was signed in June could greatly benefit Australia’s agriculture sector, feel experts

Several acres of paddy are flooded and crops have been destroyed due to the floods in Myanmar. (Image source: MiikkaSkaffari/Flickr)

Ongoing floods in Myanmar have damaged paddy fields and impacted aquaculture operations, as authorities are on a deadline to do damage control

According to Tan, farmers in the ASEAN countries should be endowed with the latest farming facilities to better meet the growing demand. (Image source: LukePatridge/

Crop protection in the ASEAN region can be achieved by establishing common regulations for better access to tools and technology, according to a senior CropLife Asia executive 

Cambodia is a leading producer of rubber in the region. (Image source: Tiagopantaleao/

Cambodia exported 61,969 tonnes of dry rubber in the first half of 2015, earning US$84.2mn in gross revenue, said the Cambodian Ministry of Commerce

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