

Experts at a workshop said weed resistance is a growing problem that is changing agronomic practices. (Image source: Bart Everson/Flickr)

Increased research in weed control is urgently required now to address the severe agricultural problems of today and tomorrow

Myanmar is poised to become a major force in the global rice trade. (Image source: IRRI)

With a focus on helping rice farmers reach Myanmar’s production potential, the European Union has pledged a large amount of money and the World Bank recently ended its 25-year hold on grants to Myanmar

The researchers reported that the genome of domesticated watermelon contained 23,440 genes, roughly the same number of genes as in humans. (Image source: mynameisharsha/Flickr)

A consortium of more than 60 scientists from the United States, China, and Europe has published the genome sequence of watermelon which could lead to a more nutritious, tastier and disease-resistant fruit

Climate change could lead to crops from banana family becoming a critical food source for people. (Image source: librarianidol/Flickr)

Climate change could lead to crops from the banana family becoming a critical food source for millions of people, a new report revealed

Global demand for food is expected to double by 2050 due to population growth. (Image source: Matt Dente/Flickr)

A study published in Nature by a team of researchers from the University of Minnesota and McGill University in Montreal suggests food security and a healthy environment are both possible

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