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According to EASAC, the use of chemical pesticides can be reduced by using biological alternatives. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

A new report released by Europe’s National Academies of Sciences provides evidence that a transformation to regenerative agriculture holds promising keys to reducing climate risks while providing the growing world population with food and enhancing biodiversity

The first phase of the current plan focuses on aspects such as green agricultural development, modernisation and rural infrastructure development among others. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

The World Bank’s board of executive directors has recently approved a US$320mn loan to promote green agriculture and rural development in China’s Southwest region

The upgrade aims to address issues faced by local farmers in understanding key updates provided by the Ministry. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

South Korea’s Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (MAFRA) has recently upgraded the customised information system of projects supported by the Ministry to address the inconveniences faced by farmers in the country

According to Protenga, farmed black soldier flies are a high-quality source of clean protein. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

Protenga, a developer of insect technology and animal foods, recently closed a US$2mn venture debt facility with a syndicate of Singapore-based investors

The second graded Morakot melons are separated for processing into a melon extract, which becomes the main ingredient to produce personal care products. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

Chia Tai Farm by Chia Tai Group, one of Thailand’s leading innovative agricultural companies, has launched personal care products made from Thai melon extract

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