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The campaign aims to build awareness of food safety, quality assurance and sustainability of European grass-fed beef, lamb and dairy across Asia. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

Bord Bia, the Irish Food Board has won the contract to promote EU beef, lamb, dairy and horticulture across Asia, Europe and the US in three campaigns valued at US$15.1mn for the next three years

Supporting the development of small and medium agri-food enterprises and cooperatives helps maintain diversity in domestic agri-food value chains - FAO. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

FAO’s The State of Food and Agriculture (SOFA) 2021 report exposes the fragility of the worlds agrifood systems and offers solutions for dealing with sudden shocks

Plinazolin provides an effective solution in resistance management strategies and aims to replace older, less effective chemistries. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

Syngenta Crop Protection, part of Swiss-based agtech group Syngenta has announced Plinazolin technology, a new active ingredient with a novel ‘Mode of Action’ (IRAC Group 30) for insect control

The awards aim to focus public attention on achievements by women in agriculture and women empowerment for future generations. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

The Department of Agriculture (DA), Philippines, has recognised women entrepreneurs engaged in agriculture during the 2021 DA Search for Outstanding Rural Women (SORW)

Harvest season and free-trade agreements, complement each other for a fruitful coffee export season in Vietnam. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

The Institute of Policy and Strategy for Agriculture and Rural Development, Vietnam, has forecasted the country’s coffee exports to increase in the coming months due to an increased global demand

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