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SOURCE gives growers a tool to reduce nitrogen fertiliser application without impacting yield. (Image source: Sound Agriculture)

Sound Agriculture’s flagship product, SOURCE, provides a new option for growers looking to support positive environmental practices and maintain or boost yield

AlgaEnergy will distribute the product line in major agricultural markets in Europe, the Americas, Africa and Asia-Pacific. (Image source: AlgaEnergy)

Microalgae biotechnology specialist AlgaEnergy has signed global product distribution and product development agreements with Laboratoire M2, a Quebec-based biotechnology company that develops natural and sustainable disinfectant products, including THYMOX CONTROL fungicide and bactericide

Renewable energy can boost sustainable and innovative agri-food system transformation. (Image source: David Mark/Pixabay)

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) have underscored their continued commitment to accelerate the deployment of renewable energy technologies in agri-food, fisheries and forestry chains and sustainable bioenergy through the signature of a collaboration agreement

Consumer demand for sustainable and healthy food products has been growing in recent years. (Image source: Buhler)

Bühler AG has announced a strategic partnership with the DIL Deutsches Institut für Lebensmitteltechnik e. V. to work together on the next generation of extruded meat substitutes

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