The eel farmers in Japan have decided to fatten up the resource this spring, with an aim to reduce the surge of eel prices that resulted because of the shortage of supply
Asian countries collaborate to reduce cross-border animal disease
The UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) has entered into a three-way partnership with China and five other countries in Southeast Asia to limit the spread of trans-boundary animal diseases (TADs)
FAO launches fisheries and environment project for Bay of Bengal
The Global Environment Facility (GEF) has approved US$15mn grant to assist continued management of the large marine ecosystem in the Bay of Bengal, aiming to sustain ecosystem services in the region
Sun Daily and HatchTech to build super-size layer hatchery in China
China-based Sun Daily Farms and HatchTech Group have announced to build a super-size layer hatchery in the country’s Guizhou Province
Hubbard JA257 added to the list of Dutch approved breeds for broilers
Hubbard, one of the major international broiler breeding companies in the world, has announced that the ‘Hubbard JA257’ has been accredited by the Dutch Animal Welfare Association (Dierenbescherming) for use in their Better Life certification scheme