

The hatchery for layers will have a total capacity to incubate 125mn eggs per year. (Image source: Livestock & Poultry Environmental Learning Centre/Flickr)

China-based Sun Daily Farms and HatchTech Group have announced to build a super-size layer hatchery in the country’s Guizhou Province

Hubbard Premium_BLk 1 star_JA257 (mr). (Image source: Hubbard)

Hubbard, one of the major international broiler breeding companies in the world, has announced that the ‘Hubbard JA257’ has been accredited by the Dutch Animal Welfare Association (Dierenbescherming) for use in their Better Life certification scheme

With the new bid in place, Bounty aims to expand its international portfolio. (Image source: Livestock & Poultry Environmental Learning Centre/Flickr)

Bounty Fresh Food, Inc, Philippines’ one of the leading poultry firms, has placed a US$309.4mn bid to but stakes of New Zealand’s Tegel Group Holdings Ltd, a move in which the Philippines’ company aims to expand its poultry business across international markets

The event will focus on ways to modernising poultry business worldwide. (Image source: AgriLife Today/Flickr)

Smart food production in the context of a modern poultry chain from feeds and breeding to production, processing and consumption will be on show at VIV Europe from 20-22 June 2018, in The Netherlands

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