

Construction of Cranswicks greenfield poultry processing plant is underway. (Image source: Marel Poultry)

Cranswick Poultry PLC (Cranswick) has joined forces with Marel Poultry to install 15,000 bph processing line at Cranswick’s new greenfield primary processing plant in Suffolk, the UK

The initiative aims to effectively improve the poultry health. (Image source: United Soybean Board/Flickr)

Poultry producer groups have joined forces with the Northern Agriculture and Forestry College (NAFC) and relevant local authorities from Lao PDR to study the community poultry flock health management approach and associated disease risk reduction at the Puparn Royal Development Study Centre in North-east Thailand

IRTA features important aspects of effective hatchery management. (Image source: Aviagen)

The seventh annual Indian River Training Academy (IRTA) has featured the important aspects of effective hatchery management, which was aimed at helping Indian River customers maximise quality chick output, as well as business profitability

Marel Boxmeer is up-to-date to meet all future developments. (Image source: Marel)

Marel has inaugurated its new building in Boxmeer, the Netherlands move which is in line with the company’s ambitious plan for further international expansion

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