

Platinum with day old chicks. (Image source: Jamesway)

Jamesway, the reference incubator company for global poultry industry, has launched a customer-focused response team designed to provide 24/7 technical phone support to all customers, aiming to develop ‘worry-free hatcheries’

The aim is to provide sustainable poultry system worldwide. (Image source: andreas N/Pixabay)

The Eersel-based Vencomatic Group, developer of sustainable poultry systems, takes over Van Gent Laying nests from Renswoude

The project will further boost Hy-Line’s approximate 60 per cent market share of the total Chinese layer market. (Image source: onefox/Pixabay)

HatchTech Incubation Technology has been selected by China’s Huayu Agricultural Science and Technology Co., Ltd. to lead a major new hatchery development in China

This year’s IRTA took the interactive learning experience to a new height. (Image source: IRTA)

At the 2019 Indian River Training Academy (IRTA), Aviagen and its Asian customers explored multiple facets of biosecurity – from the hatchery to the farm to the feed mill and more

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