

Dr. Vongkamjan and her team continue to further groundbreaking research and sustainable food production to redefine the biotechnology landscape. (Image source: UniFAHS)

Biotechnology company, UniFAHS recently announced that it has raised more than US$1.4mn in its seed funding round, propelling the company forward in its mission of growth and transforming food production using environmentally friendly and sustainable approaches

JRA provides FFT with a unique single-source solution for complete integration of FFT technology and data information. (Image source: Forever Feed Technologies)

Forever Feed Technologies (FFT) and JR Automation (JRA) recently announced an agreement to design and build on-farm controlled environment feed mills for large-scale dairy and beef cattle producer

Intflow EdgeFarm Grow. (Image source: IntFlow)

Korean digital agriculture company, Intflows new cutting edge AI technology EdgeFarm is set to receive the 2024 CES Innovation Award for helping pig farmers earn an additional US$500,000 per year

ALMACOs SeedPro Elite Research Planter delivers greater precision in planting, leading to better harvest data and faster advancement decisions. (Image source: ALMACO)

ALMACO has recently announced the launch of the new SeedPro Elite Research Planter, which uses cutting-edge plot planting technology to deliver unmatched precision in seed placement, clean alleys, and consistent plot dimensions

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