

The total value of intended purchases of soybeans, wheat, corn and corn co-products has been estimated to exceed US$4bn. (Image source:

The Taiwanese Agricultural Goodwill Mission has signed a letter of intent with the US Grains Council committing to purchase five million metric tonnes of US corn in 2014 and 2015

Corn imports will be expected to rise to seven million tonnes in 2013/14, 3.3 per cent of China’s total domestic output of 211mn tonnes. (Image source: Alternative Heat/Flickr)

China may import close to 20mn to 30mn tonnes of corn a year to cover growing supply shortages

Thailand is planning to explore more opportunities to increase fruit exports to China. (Image source: plumandjello/Flickr)

Thailand has outlined plans to export fruits worth US$150mn to China this year

Indonesia is all set to promote its seaweed industry. (Image source: iamkaspar/Flickr)

The government of Indonesia has outlined plans to increase exports of processed seaweed in an attempt to boost the industry

The crops include 15 varieties of groundnut, eight of greengram, five of blackgram, four of pigeonpea, three of mustard, two of soyabean and one each of sunflower, cowpea, rice and jute. (Image source: R E B E L/Flickr)

India’s Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) has developed 41 new crop varieties under its nuclear agriculture programme

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