Food & Commodity

IRRI’s proposal is set to build a comprehensive testing and selection that is also backed up by training capacity for its national partners. (Image source: Department of agriculture of the republic of the Philippines)

Recognising the importance of developing new varieties to bring the production capacity of rice in a climate change-challenged world, the Philippines is strongly supporting the International Rice Research Institute’s (IRRI) proposal to the ASEAN +3 (Japan, Korea, China)

Effective refrigeration is essential to manage food and medicine distribution. (Image source: dred2010/Adobe Stock)

University of Birmingham clean cold experts are working with the National Centre for Cold-chain Development (NCCD) and Indian counterparts to explore solutions to help Indian farming communities

Award given in recognition of East-West Seeds contribution to improving nutrition and creating sustainable economic opportunities for small farmers around the world. (Image source: Kiril Dobrev/Pixabay)

The USA Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and President of the World Food Prize Foundation Kenneth M Quinn announced Simon N Groot of Bangkok-headquartered company East-West Seed (EWS) as the 2019 World Food Prize Laureate

Although intensive cattle in some countries are fed on grain, ruminants in many countries predominantly eat grass and arable by-products which humans cannot digest. (Image source: Regina Hart /Flickr)

The EAT-Lancet report has recommended changing diets and global food systems

Opening ceremony manufacturing site. (Image source: TOMRA)

TOMRA, one of leading providers of sensor-based sorting technology, has further strengthened its set-up in China’s fast-growing market under its long-term development strategies in the region

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