Food & Commodity

India’s Ecozen Solutions has won the inaugural Rabobank food loss challenge Asia. (Image source: Rabobank)

India’s Ecozen Solutions has won the inaugural Rabobank Food Loss Challenge Asia, highlighting agri-tech solutions to the growing global problem of food loss and wastage from farm to market

Export prices for cereals, dairy, sugar, meat and vegetable oils decline. (Image source: Patrick M Burke/Flickr)

Global agricultural food commodity prices fell sharply in July, as all the major traded items posted notable declines, led by dairy and sugar, according to the UN Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO)

Asian meat and fish companies are responding to food safety challenges. (Image source: ThreeIfByBike/Flickr)

The large majority of meat, fish and dairy suppliers are failing to manage critical business risks including greenhouse gas emissions and antibiotic use, according to the Coller FAIRR Protein Producer Index

The company is the first European company with a Sodium Butyrate portfolio in Japan. (Image source: Nutriad)

Animal feed additive maker Nutriad said that Watanabe Chemicals agreed to distribute its products in Japan

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