Nemo’s Garden is a startup focused on sustainable underwater-based cultivation of crops (Image credit: OceanReefGroup 2022)
Nemo’s Garden, a startup focused on sustainable underwater cultivation of crops, has come up with an underwater greenhouse
Nemo’s Garden is a startup focused on sustainable underwater-based cultivation of crops (Image credit: OceanReefGroup 2022)
Nemo’s Garden, a startup focused on sustainable underwater cultivation of crops, has come up with an underwater greenhouse
A new report has been published by the Commercial Agriculture for Smallholders and Agribusiness (CASA) programme, titled ‘The state of the agri-SME sector – bridging the finance gap’
A new report released by Europe’s National Academies of Sciences provides evidence that a transformation to regenerative agriculture holds promising keys to reducing climate risks while providing the growing world population with food and enhancing biodiversity
The World Bank’s board of executive directors has recently approved a US$320mn loan to promote green agriculture and rural development in China’s Southwest region
South Korea’s Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (MAFRA) has recently upgraded the customised information system of projects supported by the Ministry to address the inconveniences faced by farmers in the country