Better Cotton has announced the launch of its new climate change mitigation target as part of a new strategy designed to deliver substantial environmental, social and economic impact across the cotton industry by 2030
China's central bank reduces rates for agriculture loans
Chinas central bank announced that it has decided to lower lending rates for the country’s agriculture sector and small enterprises by 0.25% points
EU campaigns dairy and meat in Asia with Bord Bia
Bord Bia, the Irish Food Board has won the contract to promote EU beef, lamb, dairy and horticulture across Asia, Europe and the US in three campaigns valued at US$15.1mn for the next three years
FAO reports on making agrifood systems more resilient
FAO’s The State of Food and Agriculture (SOFA) 2021 report exposes the fragility of the worlds agrifood systems and offers solutions for dealing with sudden shocks
Syngenta announces Plinazolin technology for innovative insect control

Plinazolin provides an effective solution in resistance management strategies and aims to replace older, less effective chemistries. (Image source: Adobe Stock)
Syngenta Crop Protection, part of Swiss-based agtech group Syngenta has announced Plinazolin technology, a new active ingredient with a novel ‘Mode of Action’ (IRAC Group 30) for insect control