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FMC’s new ASEAN business lead, Shahid Saleem (left) and Kristina Hermanson (right), MD for FMC Australasia (Image source: FMC Corporation)

FMC Corporation, a global agricultural sciences company, has named Shahid Saleem, ASEAN business lead, as director of Business Sustainability and Strategic Initiatives in Asia Pacific (APAC)

Grapes, avocados and cranberries remain the most sought-after Peruvian fresh products in Hong Kong. (Image source: PROMPERÚ)

Peruvian agri-food exports to Hong Kong increased during the first months of 2021 rising to US$100mn in June and constitutes an increase of 53.9% compared to 2020, according to the Commission for promotion of export and tourism, Peru (PROMPERU)

The export status is said to open up opportunities to improve economic efficiency for the Dragon fruit exports in the near future. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

The northern province of Hai Duong, Vietnam now has 30 ha of dragon fruit cultivation officially granted a cultivation area code for export to the US, Australia and China

The technologies are expected to raise crop yields and minimise production costs. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

Don Agro International Limited, an agricultural crops cultivator and raw milk producer in Russia in partnership with Smart Polymorph Technologies, which specialises in developing new patentable forms of pharmaceutical substances have introduced the latest pharmaceutical innovations to optimise crop production for the agricultural sector

The AgSenso Star farmer app is aimed at being a full suite of information and a service accessible platform. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

FMC Corporation, an agricultural sciences and chemical manufacturing company based in Philadelphia, the USA, announced the launch of its ‘AgSenso Star Farmer App’ a mobile application for farmers in the Philippines

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