
Processing & Storage

Prize awarded by SIMA organization in recognition of the autonomous concept vehicle’s potential to make both machinery and labour more productive. (Image source: Case IH/Alarcony Harris)

Prize awarded by SIMA organization in recognition of the autonomous concept vehicle’s potential to make both machinery and labour more productive, with a tractor based on proven Case IH Magnum drivetrain with a design focused on safety and productivity with new styling to match

Dinnissen to display new products at Eurotier this year. (Image source: DLG E.V/Commons)

At this years Eurotier Exhibition, November 15-18, in Hannover, Germany, Dinnissen will again be present with our own booth 21-J20 where we will be presenting our latest innovations in the field of Feed Technology

Transporting cattle in trucks on bad roads ends up distressing the cattle, leading to weight loss and anxiety. (Image source: PhilipSchubert/Flickr)

Indonesia has launched a set of ships to export cattle from the country’s outer islands to the main island of Java

The mill will soon install a de-stoner, a huller as well as a separator, all from Bühler. (Image sourc: Bühler)

The Bühler Group (Bühler) has completed a total upgrade of milling equipment for the La Suerte Ricemill Corporation (La Suerte) in Isabela, Philippines

The new cold storage will have three temperature variations- room temperature, refrigerated and frozen, to cater to a range of products. (Image source: YarluFileBot/WikimediaCommons)

Japan’s Sojitz Logistics has established a joint venture with Myanmar’s Premium Distribution Co. (PDC) Ltd to provide cold chain logistics services from three-temperature logistics warehouses in Myanmar 

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