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The director-general invited the private sector to work with FAO on supporting innovations and technologies. (Image source: World Trade Organization/Flickr)

FAO director-general, Qu Dongyu, has welcomed a US$15mn donation to FAO from the Ningxia Yanbao Charity Foundation

Te acquisition further opens-up potential raw milk and other ingredient sourcing opportunities. (Image source: Thomas B./Pixabay)

China Mengniu Dairy Company has announced that it will buy Lion-Dairy & Drinks, an Australia-based branded dairy and beverage company, from Japan’s Kirin Holdings for US$407mn

The partnership arrangement is expected to enable Grimme to be the sole UK distributor for HarvestEyeTM for both new and existing harvesters and farm graders. (Image source: HarvestEye Ltd)

Lincoln-based Agri-tech company HarvestEye Ltd is has announced a partnership with root crop machinery specialists Grimme UK to deliver HarvestEyeTM technology to the potato industry

The pathogen can be traced to a rarely observed phenomenon where two different rust strains fuse together and exchange intact nuclei. (Image source: University of the Free State)

The origin of a deadly wheat pathogen which threatens a vital global food source has been identified by an international team of academic researchers including two professors from the University of the Free State in South Africa

Ofir Ardon is the CEO of Agritask. (Image source: Agritask)

Israeli precision agriculture startup Agritask has completed a US$8.5mn Series A financing round, led by the InsuResilience Investment Fund and co-invested by Barn Investimentos

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