

Vietnam has added six new markets for its crab exports in the first seven months of 2015. (Image source: cegoh/pixabay)

Crab exports from Vietnam have grown in the first seven months of 2015, and shrimp exports to the US are projected to rise in the rest of the year

A large proportion of tuna catch is consumed fresh or processed for local consumption in Indonesia. (Image source: Cccefalon/Wikimedia Commons)

According to a new report, the pole-and-line tuna catch from Indonesia has not declined, as was suggested by some other reports

The excessive use of antimicrobials in additives could lead to resistance in the livestock. (Image source: Agrilifetoday/Flickr)

India and China are likely to register a 99 per cent growth in antibiotic consumption in livestock systems over the next 15 years

In India, milk production stood at 100 mt in 2014. (Image source: SyedAliWasif/Flickr)

India has emerged the largest milk producer globally, with a 16.43 per cent share of the world’s total milk production

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