The app considers factors such as nutrients, vitamins and protein, before making feed recommendations. (Image source: Byrev/Pixabay)
Animal nutrition company Trouw Nutrition has launched an online swine feed recommendation app
The app considers factors such as nutrients, vitamins and protein, before making feed recommendations. (Image source: Byrev/Pixabay)
Animal nutrition company Trouw Nutrition has launched an online swine feed recommendation app
The first avian flu outbreak this year in Laos was reported in ducks and chickens in a farm located in Xayabury
The ILRI project is being executed in areas where beef and dairy production is high. (Image source: 387310/Pixabay)
A new research project by the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) to improve fodder market performance and quality has been launched in East Java, Indonesia
Enhanced bio-security measures are needed to ensure no fresh outbreak of avian flu. (Image source: Adriana Martins/sxc.hu)
Avian influenza (AI) isn’t bogging down the world poultry market, finds Rabobank’s latest quarterly report
EHP is known to affect L Vannamei shrimp, according to recent studies. (Image source: Cocoparisienne/Pixabay)
India’s Marine Products Export Development Authority (MPEDA) has alerted Indian shrimp farmers on the spread of Enterocytozoon Hepatopenaei (EHP), a micro sporedean disease