

FeedKind Protein can replace fishmeal and soy protein with a nutritious, naturally occurring protein. (Image source: Leechonghyun/Pixabay)

A new sustainable fish feed ingredient FeedKind Protein can reduce the aquaculture industry’s reliance on unsustainable fish stocks sourced from world’s oceans, according to US-based life science manufacturer Calysta

Cargill will build a new poultry processing facility in Indonesia. (Image source: PublicDomainPictures/Pixabay)

Seeking to enter the Indonesian poultry sector, Cargill has announced that it will also be investing in mills for growing palm oil business as part of its US$1bn plans into Southeast Asian nation

Do not use eggs sold for eating purposes. These will probably have come from flocks maintained without cockerels and may have been coated with oil to prevent exchange of gases through the shell in order to maintain egg weight. (Image source: PublicDomainPictures/Pixabay)

In order to ensure good eggs, it is imperative to understand laying hens’ capabilities

The supply and sustainability of fish in Indonesia has attracted the attention of the international community. (Image source: AegenFa/Pixabay)

Indonesia and Norway have agreed to increase cooperation against illegal fishing activities, especially in the fields of technology and funding

Indonesia had imposed a quota system for cattle imports in a bid to improve the domestic cattle industry. (Image source: Sxc.hu)

Indonesia will import 250,000 live cattle from Australia for Q2 2015, as the country prepares for the fasting month of Ramadan and Lebaran celebration when demand for beef often increases

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