

The Philippines DA secretary revealed plans on how to further develop the glass eel industry in the country. (Image source: Amalrik Dumas/sxc.hu)

The Philippines Department of Agriculture (DA) is set to work with local eel growers to develop its export market

China’s booming aquaculture industry relies increasingly on fishmeal made from wild-caught fish. (Image source: Dav Sag/Flickr)

A study conducted by Leiden University and Stanford University has offered a more sustainable path to save China’s wild-caught fish, which the Asian nation is dependent on for fishmeal

Several outbreaks of blue tongue have been reported across the sheep belt in India during 2014 particularly in southern and western states. (Image source: Alan Grinberg/flickr)

Indian Immunologicals Limited (IIL) has launched Raksha Blu, India’s first vaccine for blue tongue disease that is prevalent among flocks of goats and sheep across the country

In October 2014, Russia’s veterinary and phyto-sanitary surveillance service (VPSS) announced the approval of pork imports from Thailand. (Image source: Carl Jones/Flickr)

48 tonnes of pork was exported by Thailand to Russia, becoming the first shipment of Thai pork to the Russian market

Eighteen countries including South Korea had been hit by the HPAI virus in 2014. (Image source: US Department of Agriculture/Flickr)

South Korea has temporarily banned poultry and related products imports from the USA due to a bird flu outbreak in the country, South Korean Agriculture Ministry has announced

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