

Bhutans Ministry of Agriculture and Forests has declared that any female domesticated fowls kept for the purpose of egg production, shall never be continually confined in restrictive cages that prevent them from stretching their limbs

EU and Japan have collaborated in the fight against illegal fishing. (Image source: wikicommons)

The European Union and Japan have collaborated in the fight against Illegal, Unregulated and Unreported (IUU) fishing

Poultry fed hyperimmune egg yolk antibodies have better immunity against intestinal diseases. (Image source: Jim Mead/Flickr)

A US Department of Agriculture (USDA) research found that poultry which were fed hyperimmune egg yolk antibodies had better immunity against intestinal diseases

Adherence to good practices during poultry operation can reduce the impact of respiratory disease on the flock. (Image source: wikicommons)

Respiratory disease represents a significant threat to poultry flocks

The global animal feed additives market was worth US$13.5bn in 2011 and is expected to reach US$17.5bn in 2018, according to a new report by Transparency Market Research

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