

Poultry production has evolved from a relatively simple barnyard practice to a highly technical industry. Yet, all too often producers do not achieve the results they want

The application of acidifiers appears to have beneficial effects on poultry production. However, producers need to consider what they want to accomplish by using acids and whether those benefits will outweigh the cost of replacing damaged components

Australians have increased their egg consumption, eating seven per cent more eggs in the past year, according to statistics released by the Australian Egg Corporation Ltd (AECL)

Fostera PRRS, a modified-live vaccine for growing pigs from Pfizer Animal Health, helps to fight the costly battle against porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) respiratory disease

Breeding companies have been producing increasingly fast growing and more highly efficient broilers for a number of years and like the broiler birds their parents (the broiler breeders) have registered rapid change

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