VIV Asia summit to focus on reduction of antibiotics in livestock production

 V6O2602Reducing the use of antibiotics in livestock production will be the aim of VIV Animal Health Summit, a special feature at VIV Asia 2013

The VIV Animal Health Summit will be held on 14 March 2013 along with the main expo in Bangkok, Thailand.

Experts across the world have raised concerns about the use of antibiotics in livestock production due to their easy availability and low cost. They majorly function as prevention for bacterial infections and medication for animals.

The widespread occurrence of multi-resistant bacteria has become a threat for human and animal health. As a consequence of this humans often get scared and question whether it will be safe to eat meat and eggs.

The VIV Animal Health Summit Asia will try to offer solutions to such problems which cast a shadow on the meat and egg market in Asian and other markets around the world.

Industry experts and scholars will address the issue of reducing antibiotic usage in livestock production through a series of seminars. A two hour CEO-level conference will take place on the day of the event in which international speakers will present the global picture and highlight the best practices related to the reduction of antibiotic usage in livestock production.

Topics to be covered will include the problem of the use of antibiotics in livestock production, the human dimension, perspectives on antibiotics from the animal health industry and the Dutch approach that has resulted in a 52 per cent decrease in the use of antibiotics.