

Meat consumption is forecast to grow but at a lower rate than in recent years. (Image source: Kate McCarthy/Flickr)

Modest overall demand growth in global meat markets for next year was the forecast revealed by GIRA, the specialist research consultancy, recently

India will ship roughly 1.5mt of beef in 2012. (avlxyz/Flickr)

India is on track to overtake Australia as the world’s largest exporter of beef and veal in 2012, according to a forecast made by the US Department of Agricultures (USDA) Foreign Agricultural Service

New Zealand has introduced electronic tracking of its cattle. (Image source: Geraint Morgan/Flickr)

 National Animal Identification and Tracing (Nait), a computerised system to trace New Zealands livestock through the international marketplace, will become operational from July 1

The Chinese Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA) and the International Veterinary Collaboration for China (IVCC), a consortium of leading veterinary medical schools in the United States and United Kingdom and Pfizer Animal Health, have signed a memorandum of understanding to advance veterinary medical education and animal health in mainland China

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