

Within the swine industry the largest emissions concern is Ammonia (NH3), which is known for its negative impacts on the environment as well as animal health. Among several strategies, feed supplementation with plant-derived substances has shown substantial benefits in reducing ammonia emissions in pig production systems.

Poultry physiology is at the root of birds’ inability to cope with high temperature conditions especially with accompanying high humidity, but producers can design and manipulate housing to minimise heat stress and resulting loss of production.

Vietnam’s leading animal feed producer Japfa Comfeed Long An Ltd (Japfa) and global swine genetics company Hypor B.V. (Hypor) have signed an agreement to establish a quality high health pig breeding unit in Vietnam.

China’s animal vaccine industry has been growing fast. The market maintained an average annual growth rate of 13.6 per cent in 2006-2010, and reached around RMB 7.5 billion in 2010, up 21.0 per cent YoY, according to a new report published by Research and Markets.

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